Virtual Women's Study for Lent

Hello from Angie Walston! You might know me as Pastor Bobby's wife, but, in reality,  I wear a lot of hats often shifting between mom, professor, student, wife, friend, and mentor, I know many of the women of the Trinity community feel these pressures as well.

This Lent, we are going to trial a completely virtual women's group to help meet the needs of the many of us who feel "at margins" and are not able to engage in weekly studies.  I know due to our family schedule, I won't be able to make most midweek services and Sunday mornings are full of leading children's ministry and taking care of our own children...sometimes...I don't quite feel as connected to the ministries as I would like to. SO.....Let's try something new!

Join our Facebook Group HERE:

For the next 8 weeks we will gather virtually on Facebook working our way through discussion prompts, sharing, reflections and even some music to use as you drive around town!   This will be a flexible study, read and post as you can, respond, like and offer support around your schedule.

On Wednesdays a prompt will be posted to guide the week, and then throughout the week, you can jump in!

We will be using Kate Bowler's study "Have a Beautiful, Terrible Lent" to guide our time together. This is a study is an honest and real reflection on what it means to follow Jesus through the ups and downs of our days. It also allows for discussion about life as it really is—not just the Instagram-worthy parts but the difficult and the painful too. I hope you will join us.

While not required, you can find the resources here: Start by ordering Kate’s new book ( and signing up for the daily Lent prompts ( beautiful-terrible-lent/#daily-email).

We will start the daily devotionals beginning on Ash Wednesday, February 14, 2024.

Trinity Lutheran